Accurate Turbo Air Classifieris ce*ifugal solid materials classifier with air pressure and airstreamadjustor, to achieve high efficiency classification at accurate particledistribution in stable performance. ◇配以强分散装置,可以对已团聚性粉体进行有效分散与分级。
With Classifying cone to disperse and classify solidagglomeration ◇易燃、易**、易氧化的物料可用惰性气体作介质实现闭路分级,惰性气体循环使用。
Closed-loop system to process explosive, flammableor oxidable materials with Inert Gas as medium ◇多级分级串联:可连机配置1~5级分级机,将物料按粒度段大小分成若干粒度段生产粒度要求分布窄的产品。
Multi-stageClassifier combo to gain several Narrow PSD products ◇全封闭负压作业,无粉尘污染。
No dust pollution on-Site 工艺流程 Process Chart 1.Air Classifier 2. Cyclone Collector 3. Dust Collector 4.Induced Draft Fan 适用范围 Application Scope ◇该机不仅可以从普通的粉体中单独分级5~45m以细的微粉,而且能与各种粉碎设备配套使用(比如:气流磨、球磨机、雷蒙磨、振动磨等)组合分出细粉。
AccurateTurbo Air Classifier can extract 5~45msuperfine powder from mixture; or combine with Jet Mill, Ball Mill Raymond Millor Vibra Mill to separate desired particles ◇将物料按粒度大小分成若干个粒度段,可替代湿法磨料分级。
Several Particle Size Distribution ofmaterials to substitute hydrodynamic classification equipment ◇*物料中过细或过粗的颗粒,有效解决夹带现象,尤其是细粉提取更*、稳定性好这一核心竟争优势得到了业界广泛认可。
Narrow Particle Size Distribution of accurategrain size without large or tiny powder. 主要技术参数 Main Parameters 标签: 绵阳市涡轮分级机 绵阳市涡轮分级机厂家 绵阳市涡轮分级机厂家 涡轮分级机高精分选机筛分机分级设备负压封闭无污染厂家直销